Section 1. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President, at least three (3) times per semester, or at the written request of at least three (3) Executive Board members.

Section 2. General Membership Meetings.

The President shall call at least one (1) meeting each semester.
The President shall prepare and distribute the agenda for each meeting at least one (1) calendar week prior to the meeting.

Section 3. Special Meetings.

Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President.
Special meetings shall be called upon written request of at least ten (10) members of the Association eligible to vote. Such written request shall be presented to a member of the Executive Board.

Special meetings requested by Association members must be held within fourteen (14) calendar days of the receipt of the request.
The call for the special meeting shall contain a statement of the business to be considered. Special meetings may consider only the business stated in the call.


Section 1. Quora at General Membership or Special meetings shall be twenty (20) Association members eligible to vote or twenty percent (20%) of the total Association membership eligible to vote.

Section 2. Quorum at Executive Board meetings shall be a majority of its voting members.


Section 1. The Internal Communications Committee shall develop a slate of candidates for all open Association offices and committee positions. Only voting members are eligible to hold office or serve as committee chairs. The Mission of the Association shall guide the development of this slate of candidates.

Section 2. The Committee shall present this slate of candidates at a General Membership meeting prior to May1 st . Voting shall be by secret ballot and shall be completed no later than May15 th . Results shall be reported to Association members within five (5) calendar days.

Section 3. Election shall be by plurality of those voting. Those so elected assume office on June1 st .

Section 4. Each member of the Association eligible to vote is entitled to cast a single ballot and no proxies shall be permitted. Balloting procedures shall be developed and reviewed by the Internal Communications Committee and approved by the Executive Board.

Section 5. The Chair of the Internal Communications Committee shall preserve for one (1) year the ballots and all records pertaining to the election.

Section 6. The Executive Board in office prior to May 30 th shall appoint members to committees as needed. These appointments take effect on June 1 st .


Section 1. The President shall

  • Have completed at least two (2) full years of full-time employment in the bargaining unit prior to the term elected to serve.
  • Call and preside over General Membership meetings, Special meetings and Executive Board meetings.
  • Be the administrative officer of the Association.
  • Be an ex-officio member of all standing or ad hoc committees.
  • Charge the Audit Committee to perform its annual audit and request special audits.
  • Represent the Association before the public either personally or through designees.
  • Serve as the ranking Professional Association delegate to the NYSUT
  • Representative Assembly and the AFT Convention.
  • Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to the office of President.

Section 2. The First Vice-President shall

  • Have completed as least two (2) full years of full-time employment in the bargaining unit prior to the term elected to serve.
  • Call and preside over meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Assume the office of President if that office becomes vacant.
  • Chair the Member Services Committee.
  • Represent the President as an ex-officio member of standing or ad hoc committees when called upon to do so.

Section 3. The Second Vice-President shall

  • Have completed as least two (2) full years of full-time employment in the bargaining unit prior to the term elected to serve.
  • Assume the office of President if that office becomes vacant and there is no First Vice-President.
  • Chair the Internal Communications Committee.
  • Represent the President as an ex-officio member of standing or ad hoc committees when called upon to do so.

Section 4. The Secretary shall

  • Record, maintain, and distribute accurate and up-to-date minutes of General Membership meetings, Special meetings and Executive Board meetings.
  • Bring such minutes of the current fiscal year to meetings.
  • Assist with any correspondence to the membership or others as needed.
  • Serve as the custodian of Association records as directed by the Executive Board.
  • Serve as an ex-officio member of the Research and Records Committee.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall

  • Hold and safeguard the funds of the Association
  • Disburse those funds upon authorization by the Executive Board
  • Maintain a roster of bargaining unit members and designate the voting members of the Association.
  • Keep account of Association receipts and disbursements.
  • Report the financial status of the Association at each General Membership Meeting.
  • Prepare an annual financial statement together with appropriate comparisons for publication to the membership.
  • Inform the Executive Board of the financial condition of the Association.
  • Assist the Executive Board in drafting the annual budget.

Section 6. The immediate Past President shall

  • Assist the President when so requested.
  • Serve as Parliamentarian to the Association.

Section 7. Term of Office, Succession and Recall

The officers of the Association and chairs of standing committees shall be elected or appointed for three (3) year terms and may be reelected or re-appointed.
In the first election under this Constitution and By-laws, the First Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, the chair of the Political Action/Outreach Committee, and the chair of the Education and Training Committee will serve one (1) year terms. In the first series of appointments under this Constitution and By-laws, a number not to exceed one-half (1/2) of the appointed membership of each standing committee shall serve one (1)-year terms.

Vacancies on committees or in offices other than that of the President are filled by Executive Board action.

In the event the office of President is vacant and there is no First or Second Vice-President, a President Pro Tempore shall be selected from the Executive Board to serve until a special election is conducted.

Individuals filling vacancies either through normal succession or special election shall serve the remainder of the term.

If more than forty percent (40%) of the total Association membership eligible to vote sign a petition calling for the recall of an officer or standing committee chair, the Internal Communications Committee shall within forty-five (45) calendar days conduct a special election. Officers and chairs so recalled may stand for reelection. The successful candidate shall take office immediately and shall serve the remainder of the term. In the event no one stands for election under these circumstances, the office shall be considered vacant.


Section 1. The standing committees of the Association shall be the Political Outreach Committee, the Community Outreach Committee, the Internal Communications Committee, the Research and Records Committee, the Negotiations Committee, the Grievance Committee, the Member Services Committee, the Education and Training Committee, and the Audit Committee.

Section 2. Each standing committee will select a member to act as vice-chair. The vice-chair shall act in the place of the chair and shall report committee actions to the chair or the Executive Board, whichever is appropriate. Each standing committee may form sub-committees. These sub-committees shall work on tasks within the charge of the standing committee. These sub-committees shall be composed of members of the Association and will be chaired by a member of the standing committee.

Section 3. The Political Outreach Committee shall

  • Be composed of eight (8) voting members of the Association. Four (4) members shall be elected by the voting membership and four (4) members shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The chair shall be elected by and from the membership of the committee on or before June 5th .
  • Formulate mechanisms to encourage, promote and support the goals of the Association through the political process within the College and at the local, regional and state levels.
  • Expend Vote/Cope funds with Executive Board approval.
  • Seek active support of Association retirees.
  • Submit any activities to the Executive Board prior to implementation.

Section 4. The Internal Communications Committee shall

A. Be composed of ten (10) voting members of the Association and the Second Vice-President, who serves as chair. Six (6) members shall be elected by the voting membership of the Association. Four (4) additional members shall be appointed by the Second Vice-President, with Executive Board approval.

  • Formulate mechanisms to effectively and regularly communicate with the membership of the organization.
  • Present a slate of candidates to the voting members prior to May 1 st .
  • Conduct elections and other balloting as needed.
  • Ascertain the concerns of Association members eligible to vote with regard to terms and conditions of employment and submit a report to the Executive Board and the Negotiations Committee prior to the start of negotiations.
  • Maintain the member database.
  • Mobilize member support during negotiations.

Section 5. The Research and Records Committee shall

Be composed of five (5) voting members of the Association appointed by the Executive Board. The chair shall be elected by and from the membership of the committee on or before June 5th.

  • Build and maintain an archive of Association information as directed by the Executive Board.
  • Design member databases.
  • Conduct research on matters affecting the members of the Association.
  • Provide research and statistical services.

Section 6. The Negotiations Committee shall

  • Be composed of at least five (5) voting members of the Association. Two (2) members shall be elected. The other members shall be appointed by the Executive Board. Appointed members will include at least one (1) fiscal year employee and at least one (1) academic year employee. The chair shall be elected by the members of the committee on or before June 5th.
  • Be elected or appointed in the May preceding the year in which the contract expires. Members elected or appointed shall not face re-election or reappointment during negotiations and will serve until the next Negotiations Committee elections. If a member can no longer serve, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement.
  • Draft a contract proposal to present to the College after receiving the report of the Internal Communication Committee.
  • Present a report outlining the broad goals of the negotiations proposal to the Executive Board.
  • Enter into negotiations with the appropriate individuals or bodies.
  • Report to the President of the Association any change in the status of negotiations.
  • Report periodically the status of negotiations to the Executive Board.
  • Present the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement to the Executive Board for authorization of the ratification process.
  • Act for the Association in the event that the Association enters into other negotiations during the term of the contract.

Section 7. The Grievance Committee shall

  • Be composed of five (5) voting members of the Association. Two (2) members are elected by the membership and three (3) members are appointed by the Executive Board. The chair shall be elected by and from the committee membership on or before June 5 th .
  • Administer the grievance procedure as described in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • Inform the Negotiations Committee of issues that should be considered in negotiating the next Collective Bargaining Agreement or other agreements.
  • Train newer committee members so that all might be able to process grievances, act in cases of discipline, and serve the needs of the membership.
  • Report to the membership the status of various cases.
  • Archive and maintain Grievance Committee records and databases.

Section 8. The Member Services Committee shall

  • Be composed of seven (7) voting members of the Association and the First Vice-President, who serves as chair. Three (3) members shall be elected by the voting membership of the Association. Four (4) additional members shall be appointed by the First Vice-President, with Executive Board approval.
  • Identify and train members with specialties who may be resources to the Association.
  • Inform members about Association benefits.
  • Plan social activities with Executive Board approval.
  • Develop and maintain communications and an organizational relationship with Association retirees.
  • Contact new employees for the purpose of recruitment.
  • Plan group activities that unite and promote the Association and its goals.

Section 9. The Education and Training Committee shall

  • Be composed of five (5) voting members of the Association. Two (2) members shall be elected. The other three (3) members shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The chair shall be elected by and from the membership of the committee on or before June 5 th .
  • Provide in-house training to the membership as approved by the Executive Board.
  • Facilitate member participation in appropriate educational activities.

Section 10. The Audit Committee shall

  • Be composed of four (4) elected members of the Association and one non-bargaining unit member appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board. The chair shall be an Association member elected by and from the membership of the Committee.
  • Audit the financial records of the Association for the previous fiscal year.
  • Report its findings to the Executive Board within fourteen (14) calendar days of the end of the fiscal year.
  • Conduct special audits.
  • Report the findings of any special audits to the Executive Board.

Section 11. The Community Outreach Committee shall

  • Be composed of eight (8) voting members of the Association. Four (4) members shall be elected by the voting membership and four (4) members shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The chair shall be elected by and from the membership of the committee on or before June 5 th .
  • Plan and recommend Association outreach efforts.
  • Seek active support of Association retirees in outreach activities.
  • Plan media coverage of Association outreach activities.
  • Submit any activities to the Executive Board prior to implementation.

Section 12. The New Members Committee shall

  • Be composed of seven (7) voting members of the Association. Four (4) members shall be elected by the voting membership of the Association. Three (3) additional members shall be appointed by the Executive board. The chair shall be elected by and from the membership of the committee on or before June 5th.
  • Formulate mechanisms to effectively and regularly communicate with the new membership.
  • Work with the other committees to educate new members regarding the role of unions and the Professional Association, their rights and responsibilities under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Constitution and By-laws, and the Benefits Fund.
  • Plan group activities that unite and promote the Association and its goals .
  • Provide mentoring for new members.

Section 13. The Social Justice Committee shall

  • Be composed of eight (8) voting members of the Association. Four (4) members shall be elected by the voting membership of the Association. Four (4) additional members shall be appointed by the Executive board. The chair shall be elected by and from the membership of the committee on or before June 5th
  • Identify social justice issues in communities and nations that reflect injustice and oppression and that directly impact members of the labor movement.
  • Develop, support, and/or promote local and statewide events in line with advocacy for racial and social justice practices related to MVCC faculty and students.
  • Work with the other committees to educate members regarding the meaning and importance of anti-racism, non-discrimination and social justice, including their legal/political aspects.


The Executive Board or the President may form ad hoc committees. Each committee shall be given a clear charge and term of appointment. Ad hoc committee chairs may be elected by the members of the committee or appointed by the Executive Board. Upon the recommendation of the President and with the approval of the Executive Board, the chair of any ad hoc committee so formed may serve as a voting member of the Executive Board.


Section 1. The total annual dues shall be the sum of the MVCCPA dues, plus the dues of affiliated organizations.

Section 2. Upon the recommendation of the Executive Board a majority vote of those present and voting at a General Membership Meeting can modify the dues structure.

Section 3. Funds raised and disbursed for ideological activities shall be accounted for separately.

Section 4. Changes in the fiscal year shall be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a majority of those present and voting at a General Membership Meeting.


Section 1. Ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement

The total Association membership eligible to vote will be provided a written copy of the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be presented to members at a meeting called by the President.

Voting on the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement shall take place not later than fourteen (14) calendar days after its presentation at the meeting.

Voting shall be by secret ballot with a simple majority of those voting required for adoption.

Section 2. Ratification of Other Negotiated Agreements

The Executive Board shall be empowered to approve other negotiated settlements during the term of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. If four (4) or more members of the Executive Board demand it, agreements so negotiated shall be presented at a Special Meeting held within fourteen (14) calendar days. In this case, adoption shall require a simple majority of those present and voting.


Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised , shall be the parliamentary authority for the Association on all questions of procedure unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution and By-laws.


Amendments to these By-laws may be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the total Association membership eligible to vote. Amending legislation must be introduced and distributed to the membership at least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the meeting at which the voting will take place.